Hire an independent consultant for risk assessment, compliance to national and local regulations, supervise mitigation implementation and review procedures. Identify the building manager and alternates; to take charge of evacuation arrangements based on risk assessment with corresponding mitigation, transfer or nullification measures. Review preventive and protective measures necessary for the safety of tenants in the event of an evacuation. Develop an evacuation plan and ensure that staff are fully informed, trained and evacuation exercise take place yearly. Consider the evacuation of mobility impaired persons, visitors and neighbouring locale. This includes general evacuation precautions to deal with any possible risk in collaboration with all stakeholders
The sequencing of evacuations are as follows.
Detect | Decide | Alarm | Reaction | Movements | Transport
However, first responders need to identify souls evacuated and unaccounted. In a large industrial or commercial complex, the building manager is rarely able to do so with vague degree of certainty. The building manager is also not being able to ascertain the location of the trapped victims. Therefore, an accurate and autonomous evacuation system like Afantagé can alleviate the pressure and saves lives.
Everyone is effected by evacuation. Ready care for the tenants, well-being and recovery. Conduct a post-mortem with learning points and reviews