We provide independent preliminary studies and safety gap analysis for building managers specifically on safety evacuations. Our team comprise of safety engineers, first responders and senior occupational safety officers.
Our supervisors run operational checks regularly on the software, hardware and the installation. Our software engineer also conduct integration check as well working with the cyber security team to ensure integrity of the data is preserved at all times. This includes standby time for emergency drills and passive surveliance.
Our custom readers are laboratory tested and commercially proven to read 700-900 per second and transmit data without signal losses. Depending on the localized structure built and aesthetics, different interrogators are used.
Our software is developed inhouse and provide very accurate readings of the evacuations. It is bespoke according to needs, maintains a concise algorithm with independent fail-safe mechanism. It can be offsite secured utilizing cloud technology. The user interface is also tailor made and can be accessed according to roles on any fixed or mobile devices.
We provide multiple passive RFID key cards. This includes keycards that has all three – (i) 125khz, (ii) 13.56 MHz and (iii) ultra-high frequency (country dependent). This includes design, printing and maintenance of the card system.
Afantage can easily integrate with the existing market access card systems and attendance system. We are currently working with digital facial recognition too.
Our team of supervisors are certified and trained in UK, China and Malaysia. They comprise of signal specialist, electricians, housing works and all have attended OSHA Outreach Training.
Our trainers are HRDF certified that would train the building manager’s team to a level of competency to take on emergency evacuations systems. This includes user and operational efficiency on the system, communications with first responder and active search & surveillance.